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The Beautiful World Of Coffee

Coffee is a satisfying beverage drunk all over the world. For most it’s part and parcel of their daily routine, a staple and something they cannot do without. 

But what is it, where does it come from besides from your local grocery store and what benefits does it have for you.

What is coffee?

Coffee is made from roasting coffee beans and then grinding them to a powder. The coffee beans are seeds of the tropical evergreen Coffea plant.

Brazil is the largest coffee producing country in the world.

The English word coffee originates from the Dutch word koffie.

How many varieties of coffee bean are there?

There are 4 different varieties of coffee bean. They are:

  1. Liberica coffee bean
  2. Arabica coffee bean
  3. Robusta coffee bean
  4. Excelsa coffee bean

How old is the concept of drinking coffee?

It is accepted that coffee was first drunk around 800 AD 

What are the health benefits of drinking coffee? 

Drinking between 2 – 4 cups of coffee a day can have some health benefits. They are:

  1. Reduces your risk of getting type 2 diabetes
  2. Lowers risk of Parkinson’s disease
  3. Reduces onset of depression
  4. Reduces chance of heart disease
  5. And liver cancer
  6. Can make you alert and give you energy

It is believed that coffee drinkers tend to live longer.

What are the effects of drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day?

Drinking more than 4 cups a day changes your intake from a moderate level to a high level. This can have an adverse effect on your body.

  1. It can cause you to have anxiety
  2. Insomnia
  3. It can make you restless
  4. It can increase your heart rate.
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picture about coffee 2

Who should you avoid coffee?

Individuals suffering from the following conditions should avoid coffee:

  1. If you are prone to panic attacks
  2. If you have high levels of anxiety
  3. If you suffer from insomnia
  4. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome
  5. If you have an overactive bladder

It is advised that if you are pregnant or breastfeeding you should avoid coffee. 

What other uses are there for coffee?

Coffee is deemed to be an excellent exfoliant for the skin. It removes dead cells thus leaving smooth vibrant skin. 

If you would like to share your experiences with coffee please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation


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