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Should you have a lie-in?

A lie-in is when you stay in bed and rest for a longer period of time than you usually do. Many of us look forward to a lie-in, especially on the weekend when you have been waking up early during the weekdays to go to work. Then there are others who want to have a lie-in but feel guilty and feel they are wasting time.

This article will highlight the benefits of having a lie-in and why it is very important to indulge in this must have once or twice a week. 

What are the benefits of a lie-in?

  1. Resting more can help improve your mood.
  2. It can improve the way you do things because you are concentrating and focusing more.
  3. It can help you relax and unwind more.
  4. It can reduce the risk of diabetes.
  5. It can give you more brain rest.
  6. The extra rest can help you reduce stress and can rejuvenate you 
  7. It can reduce depression.

When is a lie-in not good for you?

A lie-in is not good for you when it replaces normal sleep or is used as catch up on sleep.  

How often should you have a lie-in?

It is advised that you can have a lie-in once or twice a week (preferably over the weekend) for optimum health.

Should you feel guilty about having a lie-in?

Not at all. Quite the opposite. 

How long is the ideal lie-in?

The ideal lie-in should really be no more than 1-2 hours of extra rest. 

If you would like to share your experiences with having a lie-in please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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