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Forms You Need For Applying For A Decree Nisi

(For All Divorce Applications Where Notice of Divorce Proceedings
Was Issued Before 06-04-2022)


There are 6 government forms you may need to apply for a decree nisi certificate. They are –

Box 1 – Form D84 is used to apply for a decree nisi which is a certificate that says the family court accepts your grounds for divorce. There is no fee to send this form to the court.

You are required to send a statement of support – form D80 – with your completed form D84 to the court. There are 5 different versions of this form (D80A, D80B, D80C, D80D, D80E) in the boxes 2-6 below. You will need to complete only ONE of them. The form you use will depend upon what grounds for divorce you have stated in your initial form D8 divorce application. 

Box 2 – Form D80A is the statement of support form if the grounds for divorce is adultery.

Box 3 – Form D80B is the statement of support form if the grounds for divorce is unreasonable behaviour.

Box 4 – Form D80C is the statement of support form if the grounds for divorce is desertion.

Box 5 – Form D80D is the statement of support form if the grounds for divorce is 2 years separation and you both consent to ending the relationship.

Box 6 – Form D80E  is the statement of support form if the grounds for divorce is 5 years separation.

Please click on the box below of the form you need and you will be taken to that page where you can download the form and get more information about it.


Form D84

Form used to apply for a decree nisi certificate where your notice of divorce proceedings was issued before 06-4-2022.


Form D80A

Statement in support of an application for divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation on the grounds of adultery.


Form D80B

Statement in support of an application for divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.


Form D80C

Statement in support of divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation on the grounds of desertion.


Form D80D

Statement in support of an application for divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation on the grounds of two years’ separation.


Form D80E

Statement in support of an application for a divorce, dissolution or (judicial) separation on the grounds of 5 years’ separation.