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What Is A Healthy Romantic Relationship

After divorce and separation many of you will go on to build new romantic relationships with others. It is very important to start as you mean to go on. And that is to build a strong, healthy, loving, rewarding, happy and fulfilling relationship.

Whether you have had successful or failed previous relationships has nothing to do with the success of the next one. If you want it to succeed you will make it succeed. The ingredients are ongoing attention, commitment, and work. Allow us to give you some tips that you can adopt that will go a long way to making your new relationship succeed.

1. Make Each Other Feel Loved And Wanted

This is so important for all relationships. It is not good enough to say ‘they know’ or ‘I’m here aren’t I isn’t that enough’ or ‘my partner should know by now’. No it isn’t. Showing love, showing care, telling them you love them, and making them feel wanted is important for the health of your relationship.

2. Be attentive to each other. hug, kiss and touch often

Touching is a big part of any romantic relationship. When you wake up give each other a hug and kiss. Do the same before bed, when one of you comes home from work or when you’ve seen each other after a few hours apart. Being affectionate and attentive brings warmth and closeness to a relationship. When you both go out together, hold hands and sometimes out your arms around each other.

3. Appreciate Each Other's Advances

Advances from your partner shows you that they still find you attractive. Accept the advances lovingly. If you do not want to play along, kindly refuse but don’t make your partner feel like they are doing something wrong. If it is only your partner that makes advances, then it is about time you did also to make them feel that you find them attractive.

4. Do Not Overlook Sex

Sex and intimacy are very important parts of a couples relationship and should not be taken for granted or neglected. Keep your sex life alive, make time, have energy, show interest and keep up the excitement. Try new things, role play and make each other feel wanted.

5. Communicate with Each Other

Be each other’s confidant. If you are upset, ill, stressed, worried or have an issue communicate with your partner. Do not leave them out in the cold not knowing what is going on with you. The same should be the other way round. Tell your partner what you need and want, do not leave them to guess.

If you both do not communicate how are you going to support one another and give each other what you need to get through.

6. Do Not Interrupt Each Others Down Time

Everyone needs fire gazing, wind down, and destress time. Many people who work need 45 minutes to an hour of winding down time when they return home from work. If your partner needs this then during this time do not bombard them with other issues. Wait until they are ready to listen and receptive.

If either of you are meditating or relaxing and watching tv again try not to interrupt this time by bringing up other issues or argumentative topics.

7. Keep Date Night Alive

Everyone needs fire gazing, wind down, and destress time. Many people who work need 45 minutes to an hour of winding down time when they return home from work. If your partner needs this then during this time do not bombard them with other issues. Wait until they are ready to listen and receptive.

If either of you are meditating or relaxing and watching tv again try not to interrupt this time by bringing up other issues or argumentative topics.

8. Show An Interest In Each Others Hobbies And Interests

If you genuinely can try and learn about, participate, and/or show an interest in your partner’s hobbies and interests. They will appreciate it and if they can do the same then this will keep you both close.

9. Keep Your Friends And Life Outside Of Each Other Alive

It is important that both of you have friends, family, connections, interests and a life outside of each other. This is healthy and will stop you both putting pressure on each other to give each other time. However, during this time you are not single and it’s not ‘play away from home time’, even if some of your friends are single.

10. Routinely Do Something Together

Everyday have breakfast or dinner together. Enjoy a cup of tea together in the morning or a tipple before bed. Every weekend, go for a long walk or do something together.

11. Laugh And Have Fun Together

Do not lose the fun and playful times of your early years together because of life’s commitments and challenges. Laughing and having fun will keep your relationship youthful. It will also connect both of you and get you through the tough times.

12. Learn To Understand Each Others Body Language

A lot of communication is nonverbal. Identify each other’s non verbal communication when either of you are angry, scared, stressed, upset or excited. This will allow you both to be considerate and caring towards each other and give what each needs without asking.

13. Take Time And Listen To Your Partner

Sometimes all you need is a listening ear. Sit down and listen when your partner wants to talk. Do not interrupt, pick up your phone, or rush them. They will appreciate you taking the time and listening.

Please remember listening isn’t always about having the answer or saying the right words. It;s about allowing the other person to speak.

14. Learn To Disagree Constructively

When either of you argue or disagree try not to bring up past arguments, if one of you gets overly angry take some time out, and don’t attack each other personally. Also know when to let go and agree to disagree. Remember that winning an argument isn’t the be all and end all of your relationship.

15. Make Up Before You Both Retire To Bed

Both you and your partner will argue, will bicker and get upset with each other. Make it a rule that neither of you will go to bed without making up with each other. This is a great rule. Make up sex will be great and you will both wake up in peace and happy with each other.

If you would like to share your experiences about being in a healthy romantic relationship please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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