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The Comfort Of Pets

Have you ever thought about sharing your life with a pet? Yes they can be a lot of responsibility, there is the cost of feeding them and vet bills and energy to house train them. But do you know that the joy they can bring you far outweighs these things.

The company can wash away your loneliness, being able to cuddle them (depending upon the pet) will give you warmth, and being able to care for them will satisfy you.

Below we have listed a few benefits of sharing your life with a pet (of course the benefit will depend upon the pet you get):

Pets can be a loyal companion

When you’ve come out of a relationship or you find yourself spending most of your time with yourself, it can feel strange. You may start to yearn for another being by your side to have company. Pets are a great remedy for this as they can give you the company, unconditional love and devotion that you will likely end up giving back to them. They’ll be waiting for you when you get home, snuggle up to you in bed in the evening, and protect you and your home. A best friend by your side.

Pets can de-stress you, reduce anxiety, and depression

Daily interaction with pets can reduce the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone. Pets can also reduce blood pressure, provide comfort, security and company which can all reduce depression and anxiety.

They can Improve your heart health

Pets can have a calming effect on the body. They provide happiness, combat loneliness, encourage exercise and movement, and reduce blood sugar levels which are all very good for your cardiovascular system (your heart health).

They can help with social skills

Pets provide social support because interacting with a pet can increase confidence and self esteem. Other times exercising with a pet can give you a chance to meet others especially when dog walking. Surveys have shown that pet owners tend to be more sociable people. This is probably due to a combination of having a boosted mood and increased social confidence as a result of inner calmness from having unconditional love from their fluffy partners.

Pets can help with emotional issues

Many studies show that an attachment to a pet is very healthy. A pet can calm your emotional feelings by giving you security, company and contact, which are all essential for all human beings. Pets can also be great listeners, will not be critical of you and give you lots of love.

Reduce loneliness

A parrot can talk to you, a dog or cat will watch television with you or even sleep on your bed. Whether they snuggle right into the nook of your neck or they’re lying on the opposite end of the sofa, they are there. You have a companion with you. As time passes, your pets become family members rather than just living beings trotting around your home. You might even find yourself feeling closer to them than other members of your family! This is normal since you’ll probably spend most of your time around them and, depending on the animal, they can pick up on whatever emotions you’re feeling and respond accordingly. Getting a pet is a great remedy for loneliness.

Increases exercise

If you have a pet that likes to go for walks then this will give you a great opportunity to get regular exercise. Playing indoors or in the garden with a pet will also increase your metabolic rate and oxygen intake thus improving your health.
The power exercise can have on the body is massive. Just including moderate daily exercise by walking or playing with your pets can do wonders for both your mental and physical health. Having a healthy body that regularly pumps ‘happy’ chemicals through your body leads to a healthy mind. It encourages positivity and general feelings of happiness by boosting your mood. Not to mention the bonding time you’ll get with another living, loving being.

You don’t have to make a life long commitment if you are unable to. Find out where your local shelters are and volunteer to give the animals some company! The benefits this will have on you mentally will be great, and the animals will get much-needed love and attention.
You can even volunteer or offer a service to walk people’s pets around your neighbourhood, or even pet sit in their houses when the owners are unable to take care of them. Find out where your nearest cat cafes are or events going on which include animals. There are so many options to choose from.

If you would like to share your stories about your pets, let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


Before you start any new diet, health programme, exercise routine, and ingest or topically use any oil, vitamin, mineral, product or compound, it is very important to consult your doctor, therapist or do a patch test to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions.

We do not offer any form of medical or psychological advice. The information in our wellbeing articles are offered for educational purposes only. Our wellbeing articles are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Thank you.