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The Amazing Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea is widely known for its health benefits and is drunk all over the world. Many will tell you it is better for you than normal black tea (such as English breakfast tea) and you must start and end your day with green tea.

Here in this article we are going to give you a gentle insight into this magnificent drink so you can add it to your diet if you so wish.

What is green tea?

Green tea is made from unoxidised camellia sinensis leaves and buds. It is considered a medicine in China and India. Green tea is also considered a superfood.

Green tea is one of the least unprocessed tea in existence that is rich in antioxidants .

Where does green tea originate from?

Green tea originates from China.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

Green tea is known to help with the following:

  1. It helps digestion
  2. It helps to regulate your body temperature
  3. It can help prevent cancer
  4. It can help with weight loss
  5. Helps prevent cell damage in your body
  6. It has a positive effect on your skin by reducing inflammation
  7. It reduces the risk of heart disease
  8. Helps improve memory.
  9. Lowers the risk of stroke
  10. Lowers cholesterol levels in the body
  11. Helps with liver disorders
  12. Helps with type 2 diabetes
  13. Helps with Alzheimer’s disease 

Can you drink green tea every day?

It is deemed safe to drink up to 8 cups of tea green a day.

Does green tea contain caffeine?

Yes it does but only a little amount of natural caffeine compared to other teas. 

Who should avoid drinking green tea?

It is advised the following should avoid green tea:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Breastfeeding women
  3. Anybody with liver disorders
  4. Anybody with high blood pressure
  5. Also people with heart problems
  6. People with kidney issues
  7. Anyone with a stomach ulcer
  8. Anyone with irritable bowel syndrome

Are there any side effects of drinking green tea?

Yes there are but they are rare:

  1. For some people green tea can cause headaches
  2. It can disrupt sleep due to the caffeine in it even though it’s a tiny amount.
  3. Green tea can cause a stomach upset.
  4. It can cause anaemia because the antioxidants can reduce iron absorption 
  5. It can also cause nausea 
  6. Dizziness is a side effect for some
  7. Large amounts of green tea can cause liver damage and reduced bone health.
  8. Ultra rare side effects are an increase in blood pressure and a bleeding disorder.

Extra information

You should not drink green tea on an empty stomach.

If you would like to share your experiences with green tea please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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