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Secrets of Beautiful Skin

Your skin is important. After all, it is the largest organ in the body. It deserves total love, respect, and care, especially from the person who it protects. You! 

A lot of people forget that your skin needs attention. It’s an easy thing to neglect when you’re going through a stressful time or your day just seems too jam-packed with other things to focus on yourself. However, making time to love the parts of your body that protect you should be at the top of your priority list.

So, whether it’s right when you wake up or just before you go to bed, take some time out for yourself and follow these tips below for healthier skin!

1. Moisturise Everyday

Moisturising everyday stops your skin drying out and reduces the chances of your skin breaking out or getting acne. After you’ve cleansed your face, apply a SPF moisturiser (for day time) or a thick night cream (for night time). This will keep your skin hydrated, soft and supple.

2. Exfoliate your skin

Exfoliation can leave your skin glowing and feeling fresh. Doing this twice a week will clear dead cells from the outer layers of your skin, unclog pores, and increase the flow of blood to the skin. The removal of dead skin cells allows new healthy cells to reach the skin’s surface level, leaving it feeling soft and looking radiant.

3. Apply Face Mask

A face mask can have many functions, but mainly they moisturise and hydrate the skin, draw out impurities, reduce any inflammation, and remove dirt and dead skin cells. Applying a face mask will leave the skin young, fresh and supple.

4. Drink lemon water

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will keep your skin hydrated and healthy, but adding lemon into the mix can do even more for your skin’s overall health. Mixing the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon into a glass of water for you to drink can help cleanse the body from the inside out and detoxify your body. Lemon is known to be an effective antioxidant (prevents cell damage) and a diuretic (promotes the healthy release of urine which filters out toxins). All these processes will enhance the health of your skin.  

Read our article on how to up your water intake for help getting more water in your system. Your skin will love you for it!

5. Sleep 8 hours a day

Although it can be difficult sometimes getting in the necessary 8 hours, it’s good to try and get as close to it as possible. During sleep, your skin will repair and regenerate itself. There’s an increase in blood flow to the skin while you sleep, allowing the skin to make new collagen (keeps your skin plump), to repair damage caused by UV rays, and prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

6. Laugh!

Everyone loves to laugh! We all know this, but you might be surprised to know just how much this emotion can affect your skin. 

Laughing gives a huge boost to your immune system and reduces the body’s stress levels, improving the skin’s elasticity and tone. When you’re stressed, more cortisol is produced in your body which breaks down the collagen in your skin. Less collagen = less elasticity. 

Laughing also increases the blood flow to the skin, improving the skin’s texture. 

7. Exercise

  1. Exercise doesn’t just affect the muscle groups inside your body, it can also have a big effect on your skin. Regular physical activity increases both the uptake of oxygen by the blood and the circulation of this ‘extra’ oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. This ‘extra’ oxygenated blood will bring extra nutrients and compounds to nourish the skin whilst removing the waste products.

8. Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are rich in so many vitamins and minerals, many of which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antifungal properties. These are very important for the skin’s maintenance, protection, development, and regeneration.  

So make sure to add a side of vegetables to your next meal or have some sliced fruit for a sweet snack!

Share some of your skin secrets with us on our forum and social media!