I am a Litigant In Person

Quick Guide To Improving Your Communication Skills

We all know communication is important in all aspects of your life.  Here we will be discussing how to communicate with others effectively. 

So what does effective communication mean?

  1. To get your point across in a clear, dignified, kind, and diplomatic manner.
  2. To convey your intention and emotion behind what you are saying.
  3. To avoid misunderstandings
  4. To get your actual point across rather than a misinterpreted version. 
  5. Make sure the other person feels they have been listened to and their point of view has been taken into consideration. 
  6. To avoid conflict.
  7. To try and connect with others.
  8. To build trust.
  9. To build respect.
  10. To improve relationships. 

What is NOT effective communication?

  1. To force your opinion on others.
  2. To shout others down.
  3. To win an argument through intimidation.
  4. To threaten others.
  5. To bully others to accept your point of view
  6. To be hostile, demanding and aggressive in getting your point across.

How do you improve your communication skills?

ASK QUESTIONS – Ask if the other person has understood your point if you are talking or tell the other person what you feel they have said if they are talking.  Perhaps even do a quick summary at the end of the conversation so everyone is on the same page with what has been said. 

DO NOT JUDGE – You do not have to agree with what you are hearing but it is important that you let the other person talk and get their point across. Just listen, try not to judge, criticise, pick holes, and blame while the other person is talking.

DO NOT INTERRUPT WHILE SOMEONE IS SPEAKING – You will get to have your say after the other person has finished. Meanwhile, actively listen and try to understand what the other person is saying. Constantly interrupting the other person can lead to conflict.

ENGAGE AND SHOW INTEREST – Nod your head when you understand someone’s point of view. You can make small verbal comments such as ‘yes i understand’ or ‘okay’. This will show the other person that you are listening.

ACTIVELY LISTEN – Listen to what is being said and understand it. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. 

TRY NOT TO REDIRECT THE CONVERSATION – Only move onto another subject once the topic that is being discussed is over otherwise you will come across as being rude.

DO NOT CHECK YOUR PHONE WHILE SOMEONE IS SPEAKING – This can appear rude, can stop the other person in their flow and will interrupt your concentration. 

DO NOT ENGAGE IN MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS WHEN YOU ARE MULTITASKING – You cannot concentrate fully when you are multitasking, you may miss the point or say the wrong thing. Above all you may give the other person the wrong impression that you have no time for their conversation.

IF YOU ARE STRESSED OUT, TIRED, SLEEPY, OR UPSET, INFORM THE OTHER PERSON – This is very important. Be honest and communicate upfront how you are feeling so that you do not come across wrongly and the other person does not misunderstand you. 

KEEP YOU BODY LANGUAGE OPEN – When you are talking to someone please do not cross your arms and legs at the same time as well as look at the floor or away. These are signs of disinterest and detachment.

IF YOU NEED TO PAUSE, SAY SO – You may start to lose focus and concentration in the middle of a conversation. If you do ask the other person if you can visit the toilets, get some fresh air or have a cup of tea or coffee. This is polite and respectful rather than making the other person feel their conversation is boring you.

AGREE TO DISAGREE – In any form of communication if you and the other person have differing views and you cannot reach a compromise then smile at each other, shake each other’s hand and respectfully agree to disagree. Even if you disagree with someone you can still make it amicable.

LOOK FOR THE HUMOUR – Please note this does not mean you are making light of a situation or of a serious discussion. What this means is sometimes it may be best to lighten the mood if there are painful and stressful topics being discussed. This will give everyone a break from the ‘heavy’ discussion and relieve stress. 

INFORM THE OTHER PERSON YOU WILL GET BACK TO THEM IF YOU HAVE NO ANSWER – Sometimes you don’t have the answer there and then. Sometimes you want to think about it or even get some advice. Inform the other person that this is what you are going to do. Do not just give an answer because you are expected to or feel under pressure to. 

If you have any more interesting tips how to communicate effectively please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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