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Litigant’s Diaries – Trying To Save Money In Divorce? Read Our Tips

It’s pretty well known that divorcing is not cheap. Especially when you go through the court.

Going through the process can have a serious impact on your finances, making it difficult to keep both your physical and mental health in check. It can also make the divorce itself much more difficult when emotions are already running high. 

Read some of our tips below to help you make the best decisions in your divorce whilst spending the least amount of money possible. They just might save you from having to go down the more costly road of divorce.

1. Try out mediation

This method is the most cost-effective one out there for conducting a divorce. This is because it steers both of you away from having to hire a solicitor or taking legal action which can be extremely costly. It’s also the kinder approach as you can sort out most of your issues together through talking. There isn’t a judge overseeing the process and the divorce won’t take months of stress if you can both agree on what you want.

Note – this may not be suitable for everyone going through a divorce, especially if domestic abuse is involved or if one/both parties are constantly hostile towards each other and unable to compromise.

2. Invest in a printer and paper

You’d be surprised just how much money you can save from investing in a printer and paper for your divorce. 

The creator of this website saved thousands just by avoiding having a solicitor be the middle man between them and the court. Most people get their solicitors to fill out the forms and send them off, which can cost hundreds despite it being a relatively simple form. Use our free guides to help you find the forms, fill them out, and send them to the right place, saving hundreds if not thousands from leaving your accounts. 

The creator of this website had to do the research on her own, but you can find all of it compiled together in one place right here on this website.

3. Think twice before taking any step

Although this is a pretty obvious suggestion, it can be difficult to think before acting during this undoubtedly emotional process. Especially when it comes to what the people around you are telling you. There is a typical saying whenever someone hears the word ‘divorce’ and that is – 

‘Get a lawyer, you’re gonna need one!’ 

What people don’t seem to realise is that this is a one-way ticket down the road to being stuck with tons of legal fees. 

There are many other decisions you might want to think twice about before going through with them. The biggest one being the refusal to cooperate. Pushing aside your feelings for one another to compromise on the issues in front of you can save you thousands in the long run.

It can be a pretty steep cliff of costs if the divorce ends up lasting months. 

With that being said, here’s another tip for getting through the divorce process –

4. Be careful of the advice from those around you

Although all divorce cases want to achieve the same end goal, no two processes are identical. Your case is still quite unique to you. So it’s important to take whatever advice you get from family and friends with a pinch of salt. 

Remember, those around you giving advice are very likely to be emotionally attached to you and your partner. This may have a pretty big impact on the advice they give you. It may influence you to go down a road that will worsen your mental state and cost you more. Stay thinking with a logical head throughout the divorce. 

5. Check out the rest of our website!

Go through each of our help guides to find out what you can do at every step of your divorce. More specifically, visit our L.I.P Help Guide for ‘Where to Save Money’.

It’s very easy to fall into a costly trap when dealing with divorce, especially if the other party hires a lawyer or you’re scared you won’t be able to understand the court jargon being thrown around. But you don’t have to.

You can keep your bill at a safe £0. Our website has everything you need. Let our help guides hold your hand throughout the process.

Read more tips in our help guide and tell us some of your own tips that we might have missed on our forum and social media. Help each other out and hopefully we can make each others’ lives easier throughout the court process.