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Litigants’ Diaries – Cutting Costs Whilst Keeping Healthy

Staying healthy isn’t easy when money is tight. Finding ways to keep yourself and your family healthy can be difficult whilst juggling your expenses, such as the energy bills, let alone going through an emotionally taxing separation.

Keeping our bodies well-fed and strong is important. But keeping up with a typically expensive balanced diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables can be tough, leading to our health getting pushed down our daily list of priorities. 

Maintaining your health doesn’t have to be expensive. There are many ways for you to improve yourself and your family’s nutrition without breaking the bank, especially at a time when your body needs it the most.

Take a look at our tips below –

Look for the discounts

Find out what times stores discount their products. At certain times of the day, your local chain stores will reduce a large amount of food. Here, you can make big savings whilst finding food that will last you days without making a dent in your wallet.

Even if some of the foods are about to reach their ‘best before’ dates the next day, put them in the freezer to extend how long they will last.

Go to your local supermarkets and ask the staff what time they normally bring out their reduced produce to get a better idea of when to visit and do your grocery shopping.

Buy frozen vegetables

Buying frozen food might not be something you do normally because we all generally think that ‘fresh is best’. There is a misconception that fresh is always better, but actually it’s the opposite here. Buying frozen vegetables can be a much cheaper and more efficient choice than buying fresh. You will end up with more for less and, in terms of health, the nutrients in vegetables get locked in during the freezing process. This means that the frozen vegetables still maintain their nutritional value.

Another thing you can do is buy vegetables that have been reduced in price, chop them up at home, and then freeze them in plastic bags. This is a great and easy way to stock up with tons of vegetables at a very low price.

It also saves you from having to chop them up for your dinner later!

Buy frozen meats - Chicken and fish

The freezer is definitely going to be your best buddy here. Many frozen foods out there can be some of the healthiest and cheapest options we can include in our weekly shopping, especially when buying meat.

With fish, the process of freezing the fish locks in minerals and vitamins, meaning that you won’t be losing out on the health benefits of the meal. You might also be tempted to buy your chicken fresh; unlike fish, the nutritional benefits don’t change whether the chicken is frozen or not, but the price definitely does. 

In some of your local supermarkets, you may find that frozen chicken is generally cheaper. It’s also more convenient as it won’t go out of date as quickly as fresh chicken.

You can make many meals out of these so you and your family’s taste buds definitely won’t get bored.

Just take them out a few hours before hand to defrost and then marinade in some simple glazes – honey mustard, soy sauce, or lemon and herb. The seasoned meat can then either be oven baked or pan-fried.

Go read some of our quick recipes in the Food section to help you out.

Tinned foods are great alternatives!

Canned foods are generally less expensive than most fresh foods which make them a more efficient addition to your shopping list. You might think that canned foods aren’t a healthy option, and that is true for a lot of canned foods in the market, but there are some that you can throw in your shopping basket that are both cheap and healthy (and suitable for vegans trying to lower their bills).

Baked beans – These are high in fibre and are a great source of protein. It’s full of nutrients and can keep you full for longer. It’s the perfect addition for a healthy and well-rounded diet.

Black eyed peas – Black eyed peas are a must-need in your kitchen cupboards. They have multiple health benefits including being full of important vitamins and minerals. The beans are rich in both protein and fibre and are known for being particularly effective in decreasing the risk of illnesses such as cancer and anaemia. These can be added as a side dish or be prepared as a healthy larger meal.

Chickpeas – Chickpeas are a great addition to your kitchen due to its richness in fibre and protein. They contain magnesium and calcium meaning that the food is good for encouraging healthier and stronger bones. The body’s digestion is also helped by the chickpeas’ high quantity of fibre. These can be added into salads and side dishes or used to make many simple and healthy meals. 

Kidney beans – these are full of protein and can be used in many recipes, from salads to chilli con carne. It’s a staple you should always keep in your house to make cheap and easy meals for yourself and the family.

Lentil – Lentils contain a lot of fibre and protein. They’re also full of vitamins and contain potassium, which is effective in lowering the body’s blood pressure. This ingredient can be used in a number of recipes, from soups to curries to salads. These are a great addition to your balanced healthy diet and should definitely have a spot in your kitchen cupboards.

Salmon – Although fresh salmon may seem like it would be better for your health, canned salmon is also just as good for your body. Canned salmon contains the same amount of healthy omega 3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamins. You can make numerous meals out of it, including fishcakes, pasta, and salads.

Don’t buy fruit and vegetables in packets – buy loose.

Start buying loose fruit and vegetables rather than pre-packaged. Most ignore the loose produce and pick up the prepackaged bags because it’s easier. But doing this might actually be costing you more. When buying loose produce, you can actually buy what you need and at a cheaper price. Nothing will end up going to waste either!

Before you go ahead and do this, check the prices in your local area! This might not be the case for all supermarkets. It may also vary depending on the specific fruit or vegetables you pick up.

Join Facebook groups! -

Facebook is a huge community filled with people from all across the UK (and the world!). There are many groups on this social media that can help you budget better, find the best deals, and give you more tips and tricks on how to save on your next shop. 

It’s advice coming from people just like you who know exactly how it feels. People in the same situation who want to spread the tips and tricks they’ve come up with to help others out. There are some great communities out there such as –

  • Reduce Your Supermarket Spend
  • Feed Yourself for £1 a Day

If you know any more Facebook groups, let us know on our forum or social media!

Share some of your own tips for cutting costs without compromising your health on our forum and social media. What do you to keep the costs down whilst staying healthy?