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How To Stop Craving Processed Sugary Foods

We all agree that processed sugary foods such as cakes, chocolates, pastries and fizzy drinks are so difficult to avoid. Not only do they taste great, a lot of them look great and inviting but they also give you that rush of energy that feels amazing.

However, unless eaten sparingly, in proportion and as part of a balanced nutritional diet there can be downsides to a diet rich in these processed sugary foods 

Why are processed sugary foods not good for your health?

There are many reasons why processed sugary foods are unhealthy. They are:

  • A high intake of these foods can lead to weight gain and obesity due to the level of sugar, salt and fats they contain. Most people are oblivious to the high amounts of sugar, salt and fats these foods can contain.
  • Eating these foods regularly can lead to diabetes.
  • Processed sugary food consumption can also lead to heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • You can get gum disease, cavities and tooth decay.
  • A diet full of processed sugary foods can cause depression and mood swings.
  • You will also be prone to getting bad unhealthy looking skin.

How can you stop craving processed sugary foods?

Many processed sugary foods are addictive therefore you will crave them. It is important that you try and reduce this craving so you do not end up bingeing and over consuming these foods.

There are some tips we can give you so you can reduce your cravings for processed sugary foods. They are: 

  • Stop bringing lots of processed sugary foods into your home – If these foods are not so readily available because your cupboards are not full of them then you will automatically search and consume something else. Which nicely leads us onto point 2 below…
  • Replace the processed sugary food with a healthy alternative – If your kitchen cupboards and fridge are full of dried fruits, healthy snacks, fresh fruit and whole foods then you will munch on these because you will have no choice. Over a period of time your body will get used to eating healthier snacks and will stop craving the processed sugary snacks.
  • Drink lots of water all day long – Being dehydrated will make you feel as if you are hungry and you will crave food. If you keep yourself hydrated you will find that you will have less hunger pangs.
  • Eat more protein in your diet – A diet rich in protein will keep you full for longer. This may prevent you snacking throughout the day. 
  • Combine foods – Instead of eating a large portion of processed sugary food you can eat a smaller amount by combining it with a healthier food. An example of this is sliced banana with chocolate sauce drizzled on top. 
  • Eat full meals – If you eat a full meal at breakfast, lunch and dinner then you probably will not feel hungry in between. This may help you reduce snacking on processed sugary foods.
  • Take a nutritional supplement – Visit your GP and ask for a blood test to see if you are deficient in any nutrient. If you are then you can take a supplement and make sure your body is not deficient. This may help stop cravings.

If you would like to share your experiences with craving sugary foods please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation


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