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Helping You With Brain Fog

Brain fog is a condition which is now commonly known and accepted. Many people suffer from it and it has a great impact on your life.

It can be quite daunting to deal with – being unable to focus at work, forgetting things you used to be able to recall easily, or struggling to put your thoughts together. It’s okay. Be gentle with yourself. There are many reasons for the development of brain fog and there are ways to ease its symptoms. Read on to find out more about what you can do to help your mind. 

What are the symptoms of brain fog?

Brain fog is usually a combination of the following symptoms:

  1. Forgetfulness
  2. Not having the ability to focus and concentrate
  3. Lack of mental clarity
  4. Getting confused quite easily.
  5. Mood swings
  6. Lack of motivation
  7. Irritability
  8. Longer to learn and recall information

What are the causes of brain fog?

The following can cause brain fog:

  1. Too much time of the phone or laptop
  2. Little sleep
  3. Stress and anxiety
  4. Being overwhelmed and overworked
  5. Burnout
  6. Chronic fatigue syndrome
  7. Pregnancy
  8. Menopause
  9. Long Covid 19
  10. Autoimmune disorders such as Coeliacs disease and fibromyalgia
  11. Certain medications.
  12. Toxins such as insecticides and pollution.
  13. Obesity
  14. Diabetes

What can help reduce brain fog?

The following can help reduce brain fog?

  1. Regular deep sleep.
  2. Rest
  3. Regular breaks
  4. Meditation and yoga
  5. A healthy diet
  6. Drinking lots of water
  7. Exercise
  8. Having a balanced lifestyle which includes doing fun things.
  9. Removal of stress
  10. Positive surroundings with laughter and happiness
  11. Reduced alcohol consumption
  12. Reduce smoking
  13. Reduced intake of caffeine.
  14. Taking B complex vitamins.
  15. Intake of fish oils.
  16. Ginkgo biloba extract
  17. Ginseng extract
  18. Vitamin C, A and E

If you would like to share your experiences with brain fog please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


Before you start any new diet, health programme, exercise routine, and ingest or topically use any oil, vitamin, mineral, product or compound, it is very important to consult your doctor, therapist or do a patch test to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions.

We do not offer any form of medical or psychological advice. The information in our wellbeing articles are offered for educational purposes only.  Our wellbeing articles are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Thank you.