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Disagreement about solicitors and property

Posts: 1
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Joined: 8 months ago

Hi there

My husband and I are about to start divorce proceedings but unfortunately, we're already disagreeing about how to go about it! I'm keen to do a DIY divorce as we don't have any debt, children, or anything complicated to divide and we're fairly amicable. He however, is keen to do everything 'properly' and seems afraid of not being legally 'protected'. He earns more than double my salary, so money isn't as much of a concern for him as it is for me going forward, and is always keen to pay for others to do things for him rather than do it himself.

His biggest concern seems to be about our house. I would like him to buy me out ASAP (before we're legally divorced) so that I can live independently but he's worried that I might change my mind later on about the amount I've agreed with him. I understand this concern (though have no desire to make anything contentious), but I really don't want to start involving solicitors, especially this early on.

The amount agreed would obviously be legal and in writing but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on a) convincing him that we're quite capable of filling in paperwork ourselves for far less money, and b) any way to reassure him that the house settlement would be legal and binding?

Thanks so much.
