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This site needs to be the first one that appears for the search term "Divorce"

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Hi there! I came across this site recently, and I must say, it's amazing! I believe it should be the top search result when it comes to finding information on divorce without hiring a lawyer. I may change my username as I get more familiar with the site. I'm currently filling out some forms, and I'll be back to contribute more as I explore the site further. Thanks for creating this platform!

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Honestly I agree, I don't know what I'd do without this site. I was so worried about how to do all this by myself but the guides are really helpful. I was really lucky to find this - I wish more knew about it. Especially because I've seen so many others online suffering through the process like I have. It can be so daunting without help.

How have you been?

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You’ll understand where I'm coming from. It was so frustrating when everyone around me couldn't understand how tough going through a divorce can be. I'd always heard it's one of life's unwelcome rollercoasters, but working through the court process makes it a whole different ball game. So, it's unfair to expect others to get it though?

Anyway, as I said, this site has been a game-changer. Breaking down the whole process has made everything a bit more manageable.

I'd never stepped foot in a courtroom before, and I thought family courts were efficient and focused on the facts. Turns out, they're understaffed and slow. Still naive at my age! I'm preparing for the final hearing now.

Stay positive. 

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