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Litigant Diaries – Find A Self-Care Activity

Taking time out for yourself is important. You deserve some time to take care of yourself. 

There is a balance that needs to be kept in life with work and rest, especially when you’re going through stressful times. The effect that stress takes on your body can be monumental, making it difficult for your body to function properly and healthily over time. 

We often forget to put ourselves first when there’s so much to do, having to deal with work, family, and other responsibilities. But not putting yourself first only harms you.

Take the oxygen mask analogy. It’s recommended by experts that when the oxygen mask drops down in front of you on a plane, you must always put yours on first before helping anyone else. If you don’t, you’ll pass out.

If you don’t take care of yourself first, you can’t take care of your responsibilities.

Your body deserves to feel cared for and healthy, both physically and mentally. So finding a self-care activity that you love is definitely worth including in your day.

Take some time out and try one of these self-care activities we’ve listed below!

1. Knitting

This might not seem like the first thing you would pick, but it’s actually a great self-care activity for stress, anxiety and refocusing your mind. 

It takes your focus away from the stressors in your life whilst giving you a chance to try out something new. And if you’ve done this before, then it’s a great hobby to jump back into! Knitting takes just enough of your attention to create new things with colourful patterns and designs whilst giving your mind a chance to relax.

It’s a calming social activity that you can do by yourself or with friends and family. And by the end of it, you’ll have great knitted clothes, accessories, or stuffed toys!

2. Treat yourself

Even if it’s something small, like a new snack you want to try or a new type of drink, treat yourself! One of your priorities should be to make yourself feel good.

Another way to do this and save money is to try recipes at home that you like. Do some baking or make yourself your favourite meal! Caring for yourself this way reminds you that your body deserves the same love, kindness and energy that you give out to those around. 

These loving actions don’t have to only apply to food – treat yourself to a new scented candle that you want or get yourself a manicure. If you’re strapped for cash, try out some of the home spa treatments we’ve written about here on L.I.P Wellbeing.

Whatever makes your body feel loved.

3. yoga

Yoga is great for your mental and physical health. 

It’s another form of exercise that aims to train the mind, not just your physical body. It’s a great self-care activity to help your body fight stress by increasing the strength and stability of your mind and body. It can steer you in the direction of having a peaceful and calm outlook on life whilst bringing you more happiness. 

Read our articles on yoga poses for beginners to help you get started!

4. Dance

Not only does this help you get your workout in, it’s a great way to release any stress, tension or anxiety your body is carrying.

The boost in confidence you get is great for your self-esteem, helping you feel good about yourself by releasing the much-needed ‘happy’ chemicals in your brain. It’ll also be a chance to let go of your stress and enjoy yourself.

Whether you attend dance classes such as Zumba or you just decide to turn up the music and let your body take over in the comfort of your room, it’s a great energy booster for your day.

So, give it a go and put some fun into your life!

5. Cook and baking

If you enjoy it, cooking can be a great activity for calming your mind. It can take you out of your stressful day and make you focus on what’s right in front of you. Focus on the smells of each ingredient, the flavours, the combinations created. It can be great fun! Get the kids or your friends involved if you feel like it.

Try some new recipes you’ve never tasted before – share and find some in our forum, or read some of the recipes on L.I.P Wellbeing to help you out.

Check out our category on food for some recipes! 

6. Watch a film or tv series

The visual entertainment world has thousands, if not millions, of options, from actions to thrillers to comedy. There’s always something for someone. Watching a movie can take you out of your world and let you experience another for a short time, making it a great distraction from the stressful times you’re going through.

Giving your mind a rest this way can help you re-enter your situation with a new mindset, making you able to tackle whatever you need to with a more rested, focused, and peaceful mind.

You can even make an event out of it, having a weekly or biweekly movie night with family or friends if you want company whilst you unwind.

7. Meditation

Meditation is like exercise for the brain, training your mind to be more calm and relaxed.

It helps you navigate the world through a less jumbled and overwhelmed lens, making it a great self-care activity to consider adding to your day. Just like yoga, it can guide you towards living a more peaceful life, improving your overall mental state and bringing stability to your mind and body.

Go read our article on getting started with meditation to help you get started!

8. Take a warm barth

Taking a warm bath is an easy way to include self-care into your daily routine. Aside from keeping you clean, taking a bath can relax your mind and help you wind down after a long and busy day. It also helps combat any aches or pain you might be feeling whilst re-hydrating and softening the skin.

Make your environment more comfortable by lighting candles, dimming the lights, and adding some essential oils to the mix.

Turn some soothing music on or read a book. Put on a face mask and pour your favourite drink. 

Do whatever you like to make your environment as relaxed as possible.

9. Have a chat! stay connected

Having a lot of social contact isn’t for everybody, but staying in touch with others can do wonders for your mental health.

Check out our forum, make some internet friends in a safe space. You may find some like-minded people to chat with.

Come join our social media too and have a chat in the comments with others just like you!