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Online Divorce



Using an online divorce company is an inexpensive way to get help in sorting out – 

  • The court paperwork for your divorce process 
  • The court paperwork for your child arrangements as long as you and your ex-partner have more or less agreed everything.
  • The court paperwork for the division of your marital assets, finances and pensions as long as decisions have been made and agreed between yourselves. 

There are many online divorce companies that offer help with your court paperwork for much less than it would cost to hire solicitors and barristers directly. Normally, these are quick and easy divorces and are suitable for amicable cases. In other words, where there are no complications.

You will be allocated a case manager and telephone and email support throughout your divorce. Everything including all forms are completed online. 

Usually an online divorce company will offer a range of packages. One online divorce company we found in August 2021 offered the following – 

  • £199.00 – If you and your ex-partner have agreed on how you are going to split your assets and finances and agreed on child arrangements, then the online divorce company offer a managed divorce service where they will handle your divorce paperwork. You can track the progress online. They will handle all the paperwork and respond to the court for both partners. You can talk to your allocated case manager whenever you like by telephone or e-mail and they will update you when something happens. This package does not deal with assets, finances, pensions and child arrangements.

  • £399.00 – If you and your ex-partner have agreed on how you are going to split your marital assets, finances and pensions and agreed on child arrangements, then the online divorce company offer a managed divorce & clean break consent order/court order  where they will handle the entire divorce & clean break consent order/court order for you. A clean break consent order/court order is where neither of the ex-partners can make any future claim on assets and income after the divorce. A clean break consent order/court order severs all financial links between both ex-partners.


  • £499.00 – This package is the same as the £399.99 package except the online divorce company will help with separating property, personal belongings, and maintenance payments. They will help get a financial consent order/court order. 

  • £599.00 – The online divorce company offer a solicitor managed divorce where solicitors will handle your divorce & financial settlement where the division of assets, pensions, and child arrangements are not so clear cut. A solicitor will be named on the court records and all calls, letters, and emails are included in the fee.

Please call an online divorce company and explain your situation, they will guide you to which package you should take. This type of divorce has now become very popular due to legal aid cuts