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Did You Know? – Mineral Magnesium

There are so many things we don’t know about oils, vitamins, minerals, and many other related health products available out there. What they are, why we need them, where they came from. Wanting to find out more about these substances can be pretty difficult. Most of the write-ups that tell us about them can be boring. Most of the time, you end up having to scroll your way through paragraph after paragraph just to find something interesting. 

But now you don’t have to!

Follow our ‘Did you know?’ to find out 20 interesting facts about the different vitamins, minerals, or oils available out there to help your body and mind. All easy to remember and laid out here for you to find!

20 interesting facts about Mineral Magnesium

1) Magnesium has the periodic symbol ‘Mg’.

2) It is the fourth most common mineral in the body. 

3) Over 60% of the magnesium in the human body is stored in the bone.

4) Magnesium is an essential mineral because the body does not make it. It must be consumed through your diet. 

5) Magnesium supplements are available from health food stores in tablet, powder, gummies, capsule, and liquid form.

6) Foods that contain magnesium are whole grains, seeds, leafy green vegetables, and nuts. 

7)Magnesium is essential for over 300 – 600 biochemical (enzyme and metabolic) reactions in the human body.

8) Magnesium acts as a cofactor in all these biochemical reactions in the body. 

9) Magnesium can help reduce blood pressure.

10) It can also help improve sleep.

11) Magnesium helps break down proteins in the human body.

12) It can also help a person reduce the number and intensity of migraines.

13) Magnesium can lift mood and help reduce depression.

14) It can help with type 2 diabetes because magnesium is vital for regulating blood sugar levels (insulin and glucose metabolism).

15) Magnesium can help reduce the risk of someone getting heart disease.

16) It can also help athletes with their performance.

17) Magnesium helps generate new DNA in the body.

18) The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is – 

  1. Men – 400mg
  2. Women – 320mg 

19) An excess of magnesium in the body can lead to – 

  1. Vomiting
  2. Diarrhoea
  3. Nausea

20) Magnesium deficiency leads to –  

  1. Sleep issues.
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Heart disease
  5. Alzheimer’s disease

If you know any more interesting things about the mineral magnesium let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


Before you start any new diet, health programme, exercise routine, and ingest or topically use any oil, vitamin, mineral, product or compound, it is very important to consult your doctor, therapist or do a patch test to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions.

We do not offer any form of medical or psychological advice. The information in our wellbeing articles are offered for educational purposes only.  Our wellbeing articles are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Thank you.