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Be A Dopamine Junkie The Natural Way!

Dopamine….the wonderful organic brain hormone and neurotransmitter that helps you feel pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction.

When you achieve something or hear, feel or see something that makes you happy there is a rush of dopamine in the brain.

What is dopamine also known as?

It is also known as the reward, pleasure, feel good and motivation hormone.

What are your symptoms when you have a low level of dopamine in your brain?

  1. Insomnia
  2. No motivation
  3. Low sex drive
  4. Anxiety
  5. Depression
  6. Lack of focus
  7. Loss of interest

So how do you naturally increase the level of dopamine in your brain?

If you want to naturally increase the level of dopamine in your brain you can do the following things:

  1. Engage in activities that make you happy.
  2. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.
  3. Watch programmes that make you laugh and smile.
  4. Exercise increases the level of dopamine in the brain.
  5. Meditation and yoga can also cause the level of dopamine to rise in the brain.
  6. Eat a healthy diet and avoid junk food
  7. Have healthy sleep habits

The downsides of increasing the level of dopamine in your brain by artificial methods?

Caffeine, nicotine, certain drugs, alcohol and prescription painkillers can temporarily increase the levels of dopamine in the brain. Many of these substances have addictive qualities so in the long term can be dangerous. 

Over use of these substances will keep the level of dopamine high in your brain but will cause your body not to produce it naturally so when you do not consume these substances then you will feel very low. 

What is the effect of too much dopamine in your brain?

Please note too much dopamine in the brain is also not good for you and can lead to paranoia, aggressiveness, poor impulse control and being overly competitive. 

High dopamine levels in the brain are common in people with ADHD and addiction problems.

If you would like to share your experiences with dopamine please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


Before you start any new diet, health programme, exercise routine, and ingest or topically use any oil, vitamin, mineral, product or compound, it is very important to consult your doctor, therapist or do a patch test to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions.

We do not offer any form of medical or psychological advice. The information in our wellbeing articles are offered for educational purposes only.  Our wellbeing articles are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Thank you.