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Honey – Which One Should I Buy?

When you visit the store you will see a huge variety of different honey’s on the shelves. Not many people have an understanding of what these different honey’s are.

This help guide has been written to explain them to you so you are informed when you shop.

Raw or processed

The first thing you need to know is that the honey you buy in the store is either raw or processed. 

Raw honey is pure unfiltered honey bursting full of all its natural nutrients. This is usually found in specialised shops and farmers markets. Raw honey crystallises very easily. 

Processed honey on the other hand is filtered removing some of the pollen then heated resulting in the loss of some of its nutrients. This heating process is called pasteurisation. Flavours, additives and additional sugar can be added to the honey. This is the type of honey that is usually found in supermarkets. Please note when all the pollen is removed the honey ceases to be honey and is just a sugary syrup. Without pollen the honey’s origin is untraceable.

The different forms of honey

Honey usually come in 4 different forms:

Clear liquid honey – This Is the most popular honey found in supermarkets. This honey has been extracted from the beeswax cells where it is made, filtered, warmed and placed in jars.

Comb honey – The beeswax is cut and placed in a jar with its honey.

Chunk honey – This is a mixture of beeswax in a jar with its honey and additional liquid honey added to fill the jar.

Creamed honey – This is honey which has been artificially crystalised. 

Crystallisation is a natural process of the formation of sugar crystals around the top of the jar of honey. It does not mean the honey is spoiled or bad.

The different Types of honey

There are many different types of honey available for you to purchase. Let us give you a taste of a few:

Manuka honey – This honey comes from the tea tree bush. It is famous for its antibacterial properties. 

Clover honey –  This light and mild honey is good for your heart, nervous system and lungs due to its strong antioxidant properties. 

Dandelion honey – This dark amber honey has a grainy texture and crystallises very easily.

Acacia honey – This light amber coloured honey originates from the black locust tree. It crystallises very slowly and helps with acne due to its antibacterial properties. 

Orange blossom honey – This soft delicate light honey has a fruity citrus flavour.

Eucalyptus honey – This honey has a light menthol flavour and is useful in combating a cold, sore throat and congestion. 

Sage honey – This mild light coloured honey is slow to crystallise.

If you would like to share your experiences with buying honey please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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