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8 Things You Should Know About Beauty Oils

Beauty oils have long been a component of beauty products and an important part of beauty regimes. There are so many different types of beauty oils available, some pure and some blended (made from two or more beauty oils). You will always find an oil that will be suitable for a particular skin type and for a particular function because beauty oils are so versatile. 

A few common beauty oils are olive oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, and castor oil. However, there are so many. The list is endless.  

We have detailed below 8 facts about beauty oils that are commonly known in the beauty industry but you may be unaware of until now!

Beauty oils trap moisture in your skin

When applied to your skin beauty oils seal the surface thus stopping water loss. As well as retaining the moisture in your skin, this seal can help stop pathogens, irritants and allergens from entering the body through the skin. 

Dab a little unscented beauty oil on your skin before applying perfume

 If you do this your perfume will stay on your body for longer.

Gently press or dab beauty oils on your skin instead of rubbing

It is always better not to rub anything on your skin so not to pull or stretch your skin. Beauty oils should be gently dabbed or pressed onto your skin and then very gently massaged in a circular motion into your skin.

Massage beauty oil into your nails and leave overnight

This will help increase the blood circulation to your nails which can speed up your nail growth. The beauty oil will soften your cuticles and if applied over dried nail varnish will give it a longer shine.

Add a few drops of beauty oil to your foundation

This will help your foundation retain more moisture in your skin.

Add a few drops of beauty oil to your shampoo/conditioner

This will give your hair a silkier look and feel. It will also help retain moisture in your hair and scalp.

Add a few drops of beauty oil to your moisturiser

This will help your moisturiser retain more moisture in your skin

Beauty oils can cleanse your face

Gently massage a little beauty oil onto your face and it will dissolve and remove all types of makeup, dirt, dead cells and excess oil from your face. Wash your face with warm water, or gently wipe with a damp wipe or soft damp towel.Do not pull on your skin. By using beauty oils to remove your makeup you are avoiding using harsh chemicals and detergents on your skin.

Share your thoughts and experiences on beauty oils on our forum and social media! 


Before you start any new diet, health programme, exercise routine, and ingest or topically use any oil, vitamin, mineral, product or compound, it is very important to consult your doctor, therapist or do a patch test to make sure you do not have any adverse reactions.

We do not offer any form of medical or psychological advice. The information in our wellbeing articles are offered for educational purposes only. Our wellbeing articles are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Thank you.