I am a Litigant In Person

What To Do When Your Child Is Bored?

When term time ends and holidays start, it is almost certain your child will come to you and say they are bored. In the majority of cases they are actually asking for your time and hoping you will do an activity with them. 

But what happens when you cannot cancel your schedule and you are unable to give them time? You cannot just turn them away without offering a suggestion of an activity they can do by themselves, with a sibling or a friend.

We have devised a list of safe and interesting ideas you can suggest to your child when this is the case. So here goes….

1) Home picnic or camping

Where there are 2 or more children you can suggest a picnic in the garden if you have a garden or they can set up camp in their bedroom and make up a tent from their bed sheets and things around the home. Let them use their imagination.

2) Home treasure hunt

Create your own treasure hunt for your child(ren) one evening with a map, signs, arrows and of course the treasure. You will need paper, cardboard, colouring pencils or felt tips, scissors and sellotape. Ensure the treasure is a treat your children will be happy to find. When your children come to you and say they are bored, ask them to go to their bedroom and close the door and you will come and get them. Meanwhile put out the treasure hunt then let them loose to find the treasure. There are many examples online if your type ‘make your own treasure hunt’

3) Animal journal or scrapbook

Journals and scrapbooks are readily available in most pound shops now-a-days. Purchase one for your child and ask them to choose an animal and go learn about it. They have the internet, the library, and nature channels of TV as a resource available to them. Once they have collated enough information they must write a few pages with pictures about the animal. Ask them to present it to you and your whole family once complete.

4) Project on constellations and stars

Ask your child to make a project about the universe, star, the moon, constellations and the sky. As mentioned above, journals and scrapbooks are available from most pound shops. The internet, library and some TV channels are available to them as a resource. 

Once their project is complete, ask them to present and explain their project to you and your family.

5) Vision board

Ask your child to think about what they want to do and be when they are older, what type of house they would like to live in, what car they would like, what pet they would like and what lifestyle they would enjoy. This will start to give them an idea of their goals and what they would like to achieve.Once they have an idea ask them to write and draw these goals and aspirations on a piece of paper. They can find pictures and stick them on the piece of paper. 

Explain that this paper is called a vision board. Also explain that these goals and aspirations are flexible and do change. They can type ‘vision board’ into google and many ideas to make one will come up. 

Ask them to hang their vision board in their bedroom once complete.

6) About me project

Journals and scrapbooks are available from many pound shops. Purchase one for your child and ask them to do a project about themself. They can describe their life, what they like, their hobbies, add pictures, explain their dreams and their school life. Let them be free with what they decide to include. 

Once they have finished your child can show you their project.

7) Kindness letters to family and friends

Ask your child to write a kind letter to family members and friends. This is an opportunity for your child to express how they feel and strengthen their relationships.

8) Write a mini book

You could ask your child to make up a mini book. Leave it to them to decide the subject, story and genre. They can write it by hand, type it using a computer and add pictures if they wish.

9) Construct a recipe book

Another good suggestion for your child is to design and make a recipe book. They can use a journal or scrapbook for this. They can make up their own recipes, borrow from you or look up their favourite recipes from the internet.

10) Create a newspaper.

You can ask your child to create their very own newspaper with interesting articles, pictures and news. 

They can make up news or use real news.

If you would like to share other suggestions please let us know on our forum and social media! Share some of your thoughts with others and start a conversation.


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